Two-days skill development program organised by Dept. of Biotechnology, Pachhunga University College
Department of Biotechnology Pachhunga University College organized 2-days skill development program on “Organic Farming for Sustainable Development of NE farmers” from 24-25th march 2021. The skill development program was funded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) – National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganism (NBAIM), Mau U.P. Dr. Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Department of Biotechnology and Dr. Zothanpuia, Department of Biotechnology were the coordinators of the program. Seventy-five (75) participants (farmers from various districts of Mizoram) attended the program.
Pic: Inauguration: The skill development Program inaugurated by Principal (PUC) and Chief Guest Dr. H Lalthanzara, in presence of Head Biotech and coordinators.
The program was inaugurated by Dr. H Lalthanzara, Principal, Pachhunga University College, who was also a Patron of this program. The skill development program was enlightened by Dr. S. Pareek (NIFTEM, Sonpat Haryana (Dr. B.P. Singh (NIFTEM, Sonpat Haryana, Dr. Akhil Kumar (CEO, Eden Horticulture, Karnal Haryana) and Dr Francis Lalmalsawma Sailo. Experts from NIFTEM Haryana highlighted the food processing techniques to farmers, various Govt. schemes in food processing and essence of establishing food processing units to increase farmer’s income. Dr. Akhilesh Kumar delivered talk on challenges and opportunity in growing potato and tomato in north eastern state.
The second day of the program was taken up by different experts in mushroom cultivation, Mr. Albana L Chawngthu, Ms HC Lalramnghaki and Mary Lalramchuani presented a lecture on different topics of mushroom cultivation.
Hands –on training: Experts from PUC gave hands-on training to participants for cost effective mushroom cultivation in Mizoram state.
Hands-on training for growing mushroom was given by the PUC team led by Mr. Albana L Chawngthu. The Director horticulture and Dy. Director Horticulture shared their knowledge to the participants. At the end of the day, participants query/questions were addressed by panel discussion and was very fruitful for solving farmers’ problem. At the end of the 2 days program, Principal PUC distributed farming kit used by farmers for growing mushroom. Training program was conducted in Mizo language for convince of local farmers thus organizer arranged translator for invited speakers
Valedictory Function
After successful completion of training program, all the participants were facilitated with participation certificate by the Principal (PUC) who was also the Chief Guest of the program. The participating farmers were honored by Principal PUC with Mushroom growing kit.
Valedictory function: On valedictory function, Principal (PUC) was Chief Guest and Head, dept. of biotech was chairperson.
The Joint Director and Dy. Director, Dept. of Horticulture, Mizoram and program coordinators were also present.