Finishing School
- About Finishing School: The self-sponsored certificate course is aimed at personality development. The motto of the course - “to be a better human” - is the central theme aimed at student’s quality improvement.
Started in 2013 under the supervisorship of the then Principal, Dr. Tawnenga Pachuau, the Finishing School is a wholly self- financed school aimed at Personality Development and Skill Training for the students. The motto- “Mind Without Fear”- has been adopted to symbolize that the courses offered are specifically tailored to meet the needs of graduating students, who will receive the information and training necessary to go forth in life fearlessly, whether they decide to opt for higher education, employment or other pursuits.
The School was established in 2013 and was the first of its kind in Mizoram. The School has been held once every year since its establishment for the Final Semester students as a way of rounding off their education, with the notable exception of 2018, where students from the 4th Semester were also permitted admission to the School. Except for 2020 and 2021, when the School was held online owing to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the School has always been held within the college premises, with a few classes being held in other locations.
The Courses generally offered fall under Personality Development and Skill Development, such as Communication and Interview Skills, Etiquette, Life Skills, History and Traditional Values of India and Mizoram, Cooking Skills, Legal Awareness, Reasoning and Aptitude Skills, Disaster Management, Financial Management, Fitness and Nutrition, Basic Self- Defense, First Aid, etc. Feedback Forms are given to the students at the end of every School Session, and based on these, the Courses as well as the Resource Persons are evaluated and selected for the following year.
The Resource Persons for the various courses are carefully selected based on their knowledge and experience in the field. Our Resource Persons have ranged from Faculty and Staff in Educational institutions and Training Centres, State- Level Officers, and reputed private entrepreneurs and professionals.
The School has been conducted for nine (9) years, since 2013 till date. The Seat Limit ranges from 25-30 students per year, with the exception of the Online Schools in 2020 and 2021, where the Seat Limit was extended to 60.
Finishing School 2022 will be held offline from 31st May to 11th June, 2022 after two years of Online conduct. The Coordinator for this year’s School is Dr. David Zothansanga, who will be assisted by four (4) co-coordinators. Twenty- five Seats were allocated for the final semester students, with twenty three (23) of these seats having been filled up. Thirteen (13) classes have been arranged for the students, with highly experienced Resource persons assigned to teach these classes. The majority of the classes will be held in the College, except for First Aid, which will be held at Synod Hospital, Durtlang; Entrepreneurship Skills which will be held at Sihphir, and Fitness and Nutrition class which will be held at Kuku Fitness Hub, Zarkawt
Finishing School 22 REPORT.pdf