New Vice Principal of PUC
As per Clause 4.1 (VI) of the UGC Regulations, 2018 and the resolution of the 38th Executive Council, Mizoram University No.EC:38:5(9), The Principal, Pachhunga University College, Aizawl is pleased to appoint Mr.H.S.Lalsangpuia, Head & Associate Professor, Department of History as Vice Principal, Pachhunga University College with immediate effect for a tenure of two years or till his superannuation pension whichever is earlier. This appointment is made against the superannuation pension of Mr.Lallungmuana on 28th February, 2023. Mr. H.S.Lalsangpuia will be paid an Honorarium of Rs.1000/- per month.
Attachment:Charge of Vice Principal w.e.f. 14.3.2023.pdf