Session I: On 30th July, 2021, Pachhunga University College held its Annual Freshers’ Social to welcome the first Semester students. Due to the lockdown imposed on account of the Covid-19 pandemic, the programme was held online. Faculty and participants attended the programme via Zoom Platform, while the rest of the student body viewed the proceedings live on the College YouTube Channel.
The first session of the day’s programme, the Freshers’ Social, started at 11:00 am, and was hosted by Dr. Vanlalveni Pachuau, Department of English, and Member, Freshers Social Organizing Committe. After a brief Welcome Speech by the host, followed by the Casting of the PUC Campus Tour Video, the Principal, Professor H. Lalthanzara delivered a speech welcoming the freshers and exhorting the students to be diligent in their studies and to aim for success.
The Principal’s speech was followed by a performance by Lawmsangkimi, 5th semester, Department of Zoology. Malsawmdawngliani Tara was then called to deliver a speech on behalf of the seniors in which she advised the freshers to go the extra mile to set themselves apart from mediocrity. Her speech was followed by that of Lalruatkimi, 1st Semester, Department of Commerce, speaking on behalf of the freshers, who expressed his happiness at being part of the college, and he urged his fellow freshers to view online teaching as a novel experience rather than something to be discouraged by. This was followed by a performance by VL. Hmangaihdawngkima, 5th Semester, Department of Public Administration.
Students’ Union Vice President Lalrengpuia delivered a speech where he exhorted the students to fully participate in college life so as to make enduring memories and forge lasting relationships. Following a performance from Grace Lalawmpuii, 1st semester, Department of Sociology, Dr. H.S.Thapa, Head, Department of Botany spoke on behalf of the Faculty, commenting on the need to follow the college tradition of excellence and service. Vice- Principal and Head, Department of English, Dr. Lalbiaksangi Chawngthu was then called on to propose a Vote of Thanks, in which she expressed gratitude towards the Principals, the Organizing Committee and the participants for the success of the Programme.
Attendance forms were circulated to all students of the departments. Over 2750 students attended the first programme, which closed at 12: 00 pm.
Session 2: The second session of the programme, the Cultural Club Video Release started at 12:15 pm, and was hosted by Mr. Remlalthlamuanpuia, Department of Mizo, and Member, Cultural Dance Video Organizing Committee. After a brief welcome address, Ms. Lalhruaitluangi Hnamte, Cultural Secretary gave a report on the Cultural Club activities and showed a Video Cast Slideshow.
This was followed by a Preview of the Dance Video by Mr. James Lalchhuanawma Colney, Senior Advisor, Mizo Cultural Organizer, who commented on the importance of preserving our cultural heritage. He praised the inclusion of the various dance forms and costumes of the various Zo tribes in the video, the incorporation of Mizo traditional musical instruments and the inclusion of characters in the Mizo pantheon in the video. Aside from its visual entertainment value, he said that he believed the video will become a very important part of documenting Mizo tradition and culture.
After the preview, the Principal, Professor H. Lalthanzara officially released the video, followed by the casting of the video. Dr. Tawnenga, former Principal, PUC then delivered a speech wherein he expressed his pride in being part the video, and he encouraged the Cultural Club to continue to preserve and showcase the beautiful traditional dances, stories, costumes and practices.
Dr. K. Vanlaldinpuia, Chairman, Cultural Club Organizing Committee delivered the Vote of Thanks, wherein he expressed his gratitude towards the Principal, the former Principal, and the Previewer, as well as all the members of the Cultural Dance Video Committee.
The session, attended by over 2600 students, ended at 01:00 pm