PUC Civil Service Coaching Notification for 2019
It is hereby notified that Pachhunga University College is going to organise Civil Service Coaching for Entry into various Services between July to September, 2019 at the college campus. Subjects like English Grammar, Mizo Culture, Arithmetic, Economics, Polity, History, Geography, Current Affairs etc.will be offered.
Graduate applicants /P.G from outside the college can take admission on a first come first serve basis from the college office or may contact the PS to Principal's during working hours.
Applicants from the college (current 5th semester students) will have to fill up the forms which can be had from PS to principal and the department of Economics. Selected candidates will be notified on 19th July 2019 (Friday). Selected candidates are requested to take admission on 19th &22nd july after which waiting list will be given admission in their place.
Class timing : 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm on Weekdays 10:00 - to 1:00 pm on Saturday
Course fee : Rs 1500 for PUC students and Rs 4000 for graduates.
Class starts on : 24th July 2019 (4:00 pm) at ALH-02 (Arts lecture hall-II)
Interested person may Contact — 8413846225 8732078104 8416075925 9862144674