Even though the subject was introduced at the early days of the college, the department was established only in 1967 as separate faculty. Over the years, the department has produced excellent students, many becoming influential figures in the state. The primary aim of the department is to develop and enrich Mizo literature and language as well as to enhance better appreciation and understanding research.
The department takes step at present to motivates critical spirit in the students and creativity in literary activity. Students are admitted strictly on merit base. Students are mostly proficient in Mizo language. They also have workable knowledge of english.
The intake capacity allotted by the department is 40 seats per semester since 2014. The department not only looks after Mizo department, but MIL (in Mizo) also since its inception. Numbers of core students enrolled in 2024 are as follows — VI Semester - 36, IV Semester - 38 and II Semester 47.
At present the faculty consists of 7 Assistant Professors and 2 Guest Faculties. The academic condition in terms of quality of faculty and learning transfer process is healthy and adequate. Two teachers have Ph.D degree, and others are now doing research leading to Ph.D.
The Department conducted 'Certificate Course in Mizo Cultural Studies and Performing Arts' in collaboration with Art and Culture Department, Govt. of Mizoram since 2017. This certificate course was inaugurated by _, Art and Culture Minister of Govt. of Mizoram on 16th October, 2017 at Seminar Hall of the College in the presence of Dr.Tawnenga, Principal, Pachhunga University College and Mr. R.Hmingthanzuala, Director, Art and Culture Department.The Course is approved by Mizoram University.
The Department also opened Certificate course in Mizo traditional Handicraft in a collaboration with Hnam Chhantu
Since 2018 August, the first batch of Post Graduate student joined the Post Graduate Course in Mizo language and Literature with a capacity of 10 seats.
Click the activity text for details.
You can also check the attachments.
Attachment:One Day College Level Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Mizo Literature'.pdf
One Day National Seminar on 'Understanding Children’s Literature of Nuchhungi Renthlei Approaches and Systems'.pdf
'Reconnecting Rev. Dr. Zairema An Indepth Study of his Theological and Prose.pdf
Report on Full Day Seminar on 'Hla Mawi Kutpui Mizo Literature-a Serkawn Concert Pawimawhna’ Nuchhungi .pdf
Rethinking Mizo Orality Approaches and Prospects.pdf
'RL Kamlala’s Confessional Poetry Reconnecting with his ‘Mihrinna Hla’.pdf
Two Day National Seminar on Resuscitating Mafaa Hauhnar Contemporary Perspective on his Essays and Poetry'.pdf
motivational talk.pdf
poetry workshop.pdf
Lehkhabu Titi.pdf