The Department of Geophysics was introduced in 2020-2021 academic session as an interdisciplinary post graduate course comprising of Geology and Physics subjects. At present, the department doesn't have separate sanctioned post. Seven regular teachers from Physics Department and four regular teachers from Geology Department along with three Guest teachers are looking after the Department.
As an interdisciplinary and job oriented course, the design of the syllabus and the method of teaching adopted for the course aim to train the students in relevant areas including electromagnetism, electronics, radioactivity, data acquisition, processing and analysis, geophysical exploration and seismic techniques.
The department is equipped with several sophisticated instruments including Triaxial Apparatus, Direct Shear Apparatus, Point Load Test Apparatus, Rapid Moisture meter, Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus, Casagrande Apparatus for Atterberg’s Limit test, Slake Durability Test Apparatus, Resistivity Measurement Apparatus, Seismic station, etc.
For admission to the Geophysics course in the college, Physics is mandatory subject in B.Sc. Admission is given on the basis of entrance test conducted by the college. Although the total number of seats in the course is only 10, 13 students were admitted in 2020 with the permission of the Mizoram University.
Some of the recent activities of the department includes:
q Renovation of broadband seismic centre
q Workshop on Seismicity of Mizoram and adjoining region
q Field work on landslide prone areas and mining areas
q Resistivity & MASW survey with experts from IIT Kharagpur