The Department of Sociology was established in Pachhunga University College in the year 1982 when the College was under the jurisdiction and administration of North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. As the subject Sociology had not been taught in any College in the entire North East, the Department of Sociology of Pachhunga University College happened to be the first and the oldest Department among its counterparts in the entire North Eastern Region.
Birth of the Department of Sociology, Pachhunga University College:
The first interview for the appointment of Lecturer de facto visiting fellow for the Department of Sociology was held on 22nd July, 1982 under the Chairmanship of Prof. Darchhawna, the then Principal of Pachhunga University College. The result of the interview was declared on that very day and the appointment letter was also delivered instantly. The sole appointee Mr.Lallungmuana submitted his joining report on 23rd July, 1982 and delivered his maiden lecture the same day. As the college buildings had been unfortunately gutted by fire in 1981, classes were held in those days in make-shift rooms in the library building which too was under construction.
Initial Hiccups:
The first year of the Department was truly a period of struggle in various ways. Not a single book in Sociology was owned by the College as the Library was reduced to ashes the previous year. After a month or so, the lone teacher had to proceed to NEHU, Shillong to procure books on loan from the University Central Library. The road condition in those days was terrible and the journey to Shillong from Aizawl through the rough and rugged road took minimum four days to and fro. To add to the problem, no regular bus service was there and the one-man department had to remain teacher-less when the teacher was away. However, the tide turned in favour of the College. NEHU readily agreed to give 30 books on loan and 30 other books on transfer basis. That is how the Department was started.
The Department of Sociology, being the foremost, functions as a premier department in relation to Departments of Sociology of other Colleges by providing consultancy and study materials as and when needed. The Department also acts as the headquarters of Sociological Fraternity of Mizoram which was established for the promotion of spirit of co-operation and fraternity amongst Sociology teachers of different Colleges in Mizoram. The Department of Sociology being the premiere department in Mizoram takes intitiative and work together with sociology faculty members of other colleges in framing/revising syllabus for sociology subject in the then semester system and the current CBCS under-graduate course.
Department Faculty meeting is held before the beginning of every academic session as a preparatory measure for the new session. Resolutions are arrived at and measures taken in advance in respect of – a) Distribution of classes amongst the teachers as per college routine, b) Distribution of topics to be taught by different teachers, c) First day briefing points and first day programmes for newly admitted students, d) Updating, sequencing and systematization of teaching materials and mode of procurement of books etc.
This programme is held exclusively for the newly admitted I Semester Sociology Core students. The programme held on the first day of the session invariably consists of Welcome Address, Academic Briefing, College Rules and Regulations Briefing, General Briefing in respect of College Life, Distribution of Time Table, Introduction of Faculty, Distribution of Student’s Profile Form etc. Students who fail to turn up on the first day, if any,are immediately contacted to examine the reason or reasons for their absence, and the list of absentee is submitted to the Principal. The Department believes in making a good start and hence normal classes are conducted necessarily from Day two of the session.
Students’ Profile reflects student’s socio-economic background, ambitions, academic performances, schooling background etc. Students’ photo identity, contact numbers, place of residence-temporary and permanent, relationship with the local guardian etc. are not simply kept for the sake of record, but closely examined and utilised to know a student’s true identity. Such information is heavily referred to during Counselling which proves very helpful. It also helps the teacher to adjust his or her teaching on the basis of students’ level of understanding, comprehension of English language, residential background and future plans.
Apart from the general Students’ Profile, the Department has introduced STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PROFILE for 2nd year and Final year students. This profile reflects students’ scores of marks in the End Semester Examinations and Continuous Assessment Tests. It also indicates whether a student has back subject(s) and if he/she has cleared the back subject, it shows the marks obtained in the particular subject(s). The Department teachers calculate the cumulative percentage and the students are given necessary counselling and encouragement. This method also seems to work well as seen from the Final Year Results.
This pertains to academic counselling basically which is conducted by the Department in the following ways.
The Department Faculty give counselling to all the Core students belonging to all the Semesters. Generally counselling is given to the students at different points of time, e.g. beginning of the Semester, after Internal Exam (CAT), before the End Semester Examination.
In spite of its advantages, individual counseling is so time consuming that the Department at times resorts to Group Counseling. This is done by forming different groups on the basis of performance in Internal Exams, End Semester Exams and Class Test.
Though not very frequently, the teachers give special counselling to students as per decision of the Faculty Meeting. For example, students exhale foul smell of intoxicants, students who did not appear in Internal Exams and Class Test, students with poor attendance i.e., below 75% in attendance, or any students getting pregnant outside of marriage. Sometimes, the parents of such students are called to meet the Faculty members. Wonders have been seen as a result of such personal counselling. The Department through experience has come to learn that students are better impressed, convinced, encouraged, motivated, activated and capacitated than scolding them in the midst of their classmates.
This system has now been followed by the Department for a few years . Under this system, students of the same calibre are identified, formed into a group and assigned to a particular teacher for special care and mentoring. The teacher in charge is expected to keep in constant touch with his group, render all possible help so that his wards overcome their problems. The Department has formulated certain guidelines in respect of this mentoring or tutor-ward system.
Recent development in Information Technology has been utilised by forming SOCIOLOGY GROUP for each semester since 2014-2015 Session. This is an official Departmental group consisting of Department Faculty and Sociology Core students only. This site is used for passing important information about academic matters e.g., Class Test, Quiz, Topics to be taught, materials to be brought, Co-curricular activities, Departmental Seminars, and for encouraging students particularly during Internal and End Semester Examinations. Parents Teachers whatsapp group is also maintained for even and odd semester student’s parents/gurardians. This site is also used for passing information regarding student’s academic performace, attendance and suggestions and other information on the part of the parents/guardians.
As per Department tradition, the teachers also impart value based teaching along with regular classroom lecture based on the prescribed syllabus. Another principle followed by the Department is to see that no academic period remains un-engaged even if the concerned teacher is unable to take class due to unavoidable reason. Thanks to the Principal, Pachhunga University College; the teachers have now been able to supplement the traditional chalk-and-talk method of teaching with power point presentation which is highly welcomed by the students as well.
The Department believes in maximum utilization of the allotted class-hours by introducing Teacher supervised learning in the classroom. This method has considerably upgraded the performance of the students in recent years. The teachers also take extra pain preparing Model Questions for Objective portion of the examination. Further, teachers conduct objective quiz competition in the 1st and 2nd year Sociology classes as a sort of revision on the topics covered. Class tests on objective type (multiple choice questions) are also often conducted. Teachers sometimes give essay writing assignments to final year students on various topics outside their syllabus to sharpen their writing ability. This practice also really counts as is reflected in the examination results. Final year students are given assignment topics which are presented in the class using the projector under the supervision of the concerned teacher.
Practical work is also given to final year students to help acquaint themselves with research techniques within the college campus. Manners and etiquette, personality development, method of essay writing and facing interview techniques are also taught along with the syllabus. It is pleasing to note that even outsiders approach to avail service of the Department for job-orientation and consultation.
The department conducts cleanliness drive weekly as per instructions from the Cleanliness and Beautification Committee, PUC where each semester students are assigned different areas to clean.
Pachhunga University College has been selected as the centre for conducting University of Hyderabad Entrance Examination. The Department of Sociology has been entrusted by the Principal for this job with the Head of the Department of Sociology acting as the external co-ordinator for the past nine years. Even though this responsibility entails duty even on Sundays and State holidays involving utmost care and meticulous maintenance of records, the Department is pleased to establish academic linkage with such a highly renowned institution as the University of Hyderabad. The Department Faculty members feel amply rewarded to see a good number of candidates who have got admission through such Entrance Examination.
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Activity |
Date |
1 |
13/08/2021 |
2 |
Special talk on Border and Borderland issues in Northern Mizoram |
17/07/2021 |
3 |
Two days Workshop on Employability Skill and Healthy Lifestyle |
5-6/02/2021 |
4 |
28/07/2022 |
5 |
18/11/2022 |
6 |
12-18/12/2022 |
7 |
24/02/2023 |
8 |
02/05/2023 |
9 |
18-19/05/2023 |
10 |
18/07/2023 |
11 |
18/08/2023 |
12 |
18/08/2023 |
13 |
18/08/2023 |
Click the activity text for detail.
Foundation Day.pdf
Special talk on Border and Borderland issues in Northern Mizoram.pdf